Monday, August 13, 2007

Portland Trimet MAX Light Rail on Google Maps

Portland Transit - TriMet MAX Mashup: This Google Map Mashup overlays Portland's Trimet MAX light rail lines and stations on Google Maps and helps you to locate any MAX station. The Portland Trimet MAX light rail map is cascaded below the Google Map mashup for convenience. Zoom in on any station and use Google local search bar on the map to search for any locations around like Starbucks, Bank of America or other interesting places. Overlay the Trimet fareless square region and search for all the interesting places you can ride to for free on Trimet MAX light rail or Portland street car.


  1. This is fantastic - and indispensable! I hate how Tri-Met's MAX map bears no resemblance to geographic reality. You have just made my life significantly easier. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Great start ... but how do you find hotels or points of interest near the MAX stops???

  3. You can use the google search box at the bottom left corner of this map to search anything in the map. Zoom to a MAX stop and search, it will display results as markers on the map.

  4. I can't wait for you to update this with the green line.

    great map- very useful.

  5. Derek8:57 AM

    Green line, changes to the Yellow Lines, and the WES would make this awesome. Thanks!!!

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    It does not show the GREEN line!

  7. We just updated our light rail map with the Green Line.

    Soon we will be putting more content on the site so check back often. We are going to put apartments and restaurants on the map as well with distances from the nearest light rail stop.

    Enjoy from Downtown Light Rail!.

  8. Thank you!! This is so helpful!!!
