Saturday, June 28, 2008

US Politics Mashups

Obama Video Map:
Mashup of Barack Obama's Presidential Campaign speeches and endorsements on Google Maps, starting from his Presidential announcement in Springfield, IL to Democratic nomination victory speech in St. Paul, MN and beyond. This mashup also shows Obama media appearances on the campaign trail and interviews on popluar shows like 'meet the press, Larry King Live, MSNBC Hardball, Jay Leno show, Letterman Show, CNN AC 360, CBS 60 Minutes....

US Senate Map:
Mashup of and Google Maps displays all the current United States Senators of the 110th Congress with their office address, phone number, contact information and website.

US House of Representatives Map: Mashup of and Google Maps displays all the current United States House of Representatives with their contact information and website.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Great idea but the map of the US Senate has the senators for Mississippi and Missouri switched.

  2. thanks, mississippi and missouri are fixed now....

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Your US Electoral Map on is missing 4 candidates (Nader, Barr, McKinney, and Baldwin). They're all on enough state ballots in 2008 to win the election. You should fix this asap! Thanks.

  4. Hello, I work for an Italian on line newspaper and I would be very happy to include your map on our web site (of course including your credits).

    Before doing so, I need to know what is going to happen on the electoral day and the days after. Will the map be updated with the official results? Will the updating be in real time?

    Many thanks,

    Giancarlo Basso

  5. Yes, the map will be updated with the official results after election day and polls will be removed. I will probably update this map manually in real time on election day.

  6. Hi! The donkey icon and elephant icon are different colors--I checked with a color meter. The Donkey's colors are less saturated and appear duller. I want us to shine!

  7. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Um...where are Alaska and Hawaii?

  8. how do you decide to color a state red or blue with 10% of precincts reporting? aren't there still voting booths open on the west coast? its typical how the democratic loving news media bashes on reporting early results when a republican is winning, but is all for it when their party is leading.

  9. Anonymous10:06 PM

    love the map! but two things:
    1) it would be really cool if you could view the entire USA with the states' precincts' election results showing, instead of only being able to view one state's results at a time, or the entire USA map only showing the overall result for the state. put the two together!
    2) i am curious to see a rankings list of precincts by which ones had the largest percentage of voters voting for Obama. this information is available with your data set, but i'd have to scroll over EVERY precinct to extract it. eg. i live in Cambridge, MA and 88% of voters went for Obama here. i'd like to know who in the country had a higher percentage of Obama voters.

  10. On the senate map page,all democratic senators are spelled "Democrate". Any reason for this?

  11. senate map typo is corrected, thanks bluhm
